Jules Wièse was Born in Berlin in 1818 he started as an apprentice to Johann Georg Hossaeur at the age of sixteen. He then moved to Paris to work for J-V Morel and ended up switching to Froment-Meurice in 1839. He became workshop manager tripling his wage in the process and finally he decided to set up his own workshop which he did in 1845 at number 7, rue Jean-Pain-Mollet. He registered his makers mark in 1844 which consisted of his initials JW with a star above and below within a vertical lozenge. In 1880 his son Louis (1852-1923) took control of the workshop after being trained by his father. Jules passed away ten years later and Louis registered his own makers mark using the name WIESE with a star above and one below in a horizontal lozenge.