In 1893 Ernst Alexander and Julie Wellendorff founded the Wellendorff jewelry manufactory. In the beginning they began as manufacturing jewelers and their attention to detail attracted increasing amounts of retail type clients including certain European and Russian royalty. The business continued to grow and was drastically effected by both world wars. The second generation decided to focus only on higher end and hand crafted pieces which did not sell well after the wars. Eva and Hanspeter Wellendorff brought the company into the modern era with Hanspeter overseeing manufacturing in the 1960s. His talent renewed interest in the company and slowly built the company. Christoph and Georg Wellendorff entered the company in 1991 and 1993 and began to modernize the company further. Their vision became not just the manufacturing part but the opening of boutiques. The began with changing the collections and by 2008 they opened the first boutique. Since such time they have continued to grow and adapt their collections often focusing on enamel.