Tiger's eye is a very popular gemstone that displays a chatoyancy (cat's-eye) when a polished stone is moved back and forth in incident light. Cabochons exhibit an eye similar to the eye of a cat. Tiger's eye is a quartz gemstone, usually amber to brown in color, that forms when fibers of the mineral crocidolite are replaced by silica.
Other varieties of chatoyant quartz include hawk’s-eye which is usually a grayish blue color, zebra tiger’s-eye which is tiger’s-eye with grayish blue streaks and cat’s-eye quartz which is semitransparent to translucent usually brownish yellow to greenish brown and must be cut en cabochon to exhibit an eye. |
Tiger's-eye cabochons are very popular ring stones. They are one of the most common stones used in men's rings and cufflinks. It is also frequently cut into beads for use in necklaces and earrings. Tiger's-eye cabochons are used in pins, earrings, pendants, and many other jewelry items. Stones with a light honey color are especially popular.