Jung & Klitz
There is very little known history of the story of Charles B Jung and Robert Klitz. Sometime in the late half of the 19th century the pair formed a partnership that created finer platinum and jadeite pieces along with Christopher Staiger. The business grew and their production increased. They opened on Maiden Lane in New York City, the main jewelry district of the time. The partnership however began to struggle around 1899 and by 1900 Chas B Jung and Robert H Klitz dissolved the partnership with Christopher Staiger. Court documents show they paid him $20,000 and settled in 1906. At the time they reported having $98,000 in stock on hand a hefty sum. The business expanded under the two and the headquarters was located now at 1 Maiden Lane in 1915. Other court records show that Jung and Klitz helped stop master swindler Henry Wiess in 1915. Wiess had heard about Jung and Klitz likely because of their fame for attracting big clientele like James Buchanan Brady or "Diamond Jim" as many knew him, the vastly wealthy business man known for buying high end jewelry. By the mid 1920's they had grown drastically and again attracted the attention of burglars and on April 23, 1921 why Jung's family was away on vacation burglars went to Jungs apartment taking approximately $9,000. The business pushed forward and eventually closed its doors with the death of both of its founders as we know it.