11th Artel Moscow
The 11th Artel operated from 1908-1917 in Moscow, Russia and specialized in producing mostly silver pieces with exquisite enamel particular cloisonne enamel and plique-a-jour enamel as well as guilloche enamel. The 11th Artel quickly became well-known for creating pieces of exquisite style and craftsmanship and became a house that suppled Faberge with their creations. The 11th used complete enamel coverings and Art Nouveau stylings of triangular and rectangular enamel cells, volutes, spirals, often with silver beads, green, ochre, violet-and-cream tints in a hazy watercolor style. The craftsman from the 11th worked and lived together under the guidance of Ivan Kramskoi, who studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts from 1857 to 1863. Under the guidance of Kramskoi the 11th reacted against academic art pushed for a revolt officially creating the ‘Revolt of Fourteen.' This lead to students being expelled but bonded the artists and craftsman creating a freedom with which they worked. The movement encouraged fellow artisans to form similar groups and the creation of many Artels formed and payment for commissioned work was shared among the artists.
For more information check out our page the artels
For more information check out our page the artels